Rebecca was born in Durango, CO. She lives with her husband of 18 years, Phil, and her three sons, Trel, Zander, and Sataurus. Her family is very close to Rebecca’s mother, sister, mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, and their wives and families. Rebecca loves the outdoors, and her favorite hobbies are fly-fishing on the San Juan, camping with her sister and family, and hunting.
In 2019, when Rebecca was just 40, she was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma) after a routine mammogram. Her mother was previously diagnosed with and survived breast cancer, and her father lost his life to prostate cancer at 55, so Rebecca always knew she might be at risk of cancer. She was relieved when she was told her cancer was only stage I, and she was faithful that God could carry her through.
Throughout this ordeal, Rebecca has been fortunate enough to have a strong support network. Her husband has been her rock and her primary caregiver, and her family, friends, and co-workers have been amazing. Her doctors and nurses also helped her immensely.
Rebecca has endured a bilateral double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction as part of her treatment. She was also recommended chemotherapy, which she decided to decline.
Rebecca’s message to the community is that, in her experience, waiting is the worst part. Once you have the information, you can begin to research and learn as much as you can. This information will allow you to advocate for yourself and your health and ask questions with confidence. Rebecca had to learn how to breathe, cry, and then power through. She also learned the importance of letting people help you because people want to help, but often won’t know what you need. If you be honest and tell them, you may be amazed at their responses.
Cancer takes an incredible amount of strength and resilience to face. Rebecca’s family drives her to keep fighting and winning. Her mother is a survivor, and the inspiration that her mother provides keeps Rebecca pushing forward. Rebecca is a woman of faith, and that belief reminds her to live every day because tomorrow is not promised.
Please donate to the Cathy Lincoln Memorial Cancer Fund today.
730 S. Lake St.
Farmington, NM 87401
Phone: 505.609.6813