Introducing Judy Conaway.
Judy was born in 1960 in Nebraska but moved around a lot as a child and teen, spending time in Wausau, Green Bay, and Farmington. In 1983, she married her husband Rick, who works for Enduring Resources, and soon after, they had two sons, who are now grown up and currently work as a physical therapist and a restraint manager. Judy enjoys visiting antique stores with her husband, crafts, and cross-stitching.
In November of 2019, Judy discovered a lump on her neck and went to get checked right away because her sister was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma the previous spring. The outcome of that test was a stage IV adenocarcinoma of the lung diagnosis. When she first found out, Judy felt like a deer in the headlights and shocked, particularly that it was lung cancer, since she had never been a smoker.
Despite the devastating news, Judy was swarmed with love. Her husband, two sons, friends, co-workers, and even people she hadn't heard from in years came together and supported her throughout her journey. People offered their prayers, food, and support. Even people who hadn't met Judy before but knew her husband or other members of her family called to check up on her and offer what they could. One of her most ardent supporters has been her dear friend Rosemarie, who works at the Cancer Center.
With so many people reaching out and sharing their experiences with cancer, Judy has learned a lot about what to expect. Knowing what to expect helped her feel informed and not alone in this whole process. Every person and every treatment is different, but realizing that others have been through similar ordeals has significantly been comforting. Judy also experienced some friends and family backing away after her diagnosis. Her advice is to give people grace and patience and trust that they will offer their love and support when they have the strength to do that.
As well as her friends and family, Judy also drew great hope and strength from her doctors and nurses' team at the Cancer Center and Rosemarie and the other staff. Initially, Judy didn't think of applying for funding through the Cathy Lincoln Memorial Cancer fund, but once Rosemarie offered it, she embraced it as a welcome gift. Judy saw it as a bright spot among so much darkness.
Your support of the Cathy Lincoln Memorial Cancer Fund helps women receive financial assistance for medical exams, diagnostic testing, medication, treatments and travel.
Please donate to the Cathy Lincoln Memorial Cancer Fund today.
730 S. Lake St.
Farmington, NM 87401
Phone: 505.609.6813